So I go to the local SS offfice
On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 21:31:23 -0500, JohnH wrote:
On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 15:36:05 -0600, Vic Smith
On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 14:11:38 -0500, JohnH wrote:
On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 09:06:31 -0500, "D.Duck" wrote:
I thought *all* vets were eligible for medical care no matter when they
Not sure how it works, but one of my little brothers did a few years
in the Army in the early '70's. Germany mostly.
He got sick with Hep C and ended up in the VA hospital north of
Chicago. Visited him there.
Don't know how that worked. He was down and out.
If he had a service connected disability, then he is entitled to more than
one who just served for a couple years during a war or during peacetime.
Gave me an excuse to call him. Been late on that.
Turns out he went twice. The other time for a busted jaw that had to
be wired up.
Emergency room. Doesn't know if they would take a non-vet - probably
would - and they never charged him anything.
Course he didn't have anything.
The details are fuzzy to him. That figures.
But he does NOT recommend the VA hospital he was at.
Unless things have changed.
As I recall my visit to him there - Hines VA Hospital - it didn't
strike me as a first-rate hospital.
But again, that was more than 25 years ago.