Any pactor users here ?
Don't use DIGI modes on board Len but PSK at home using the soundcard and a
TS50 are easy.
Software like Mix32 and JVCOMM allow a variety of modes including WEFAX
As Larry says 10w is all you need for PSK, but you won't get BBS/EMAIL
unless you use PACTOR or Packet to hook up with your HAM BBS's. Are you
using PACTOR2 on board with a commercial supplier such as sailmail or
hooking up with a HF Amateur PACTOR BBS?
I used a KAM for PACTOR in the 90's but the soundcard does it all these
Simply Blue Too
"Len" wrote in message
I have a Icom 718 and a Pactor controller on board. Till now I used to
get my email and my gribfiles but this psk31 and cw are appealing to
me. Anyone here who got this going via the Pactor?
Len, pa2q