Some of the better builders in these parts use custom prefabbed decking from
Teakdecking systems ( I've been told that it's less
expensive than yard labor rates, but it was still a bit high for me. The result
is finestkind. I've used their teak decking sealant with good results.
mike worrall wrote:
Actually, the article in P.S. was of *Synthetic* teak decking
products. Mr. Tuomela appears to be offering a prefabricated
*natural* teak decking system.
Given that the cost of the raw material, i.e. 1/2" X 1 7/8" vertical
grain, rabbetted teak decking planks is about $15 sq / ft (see: [for example]), I think I'll do
the work myself...
Mike Worrall
Los Angeles
"Salty Bob" wrote in message
Coincidently, there is an interesting review on this type of product in the
newest issue of Practical sailor. They reviewed Tek-Dek and Flexiteek and
MarineDeck 2000. Overall it was a favorable review of this promising