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Roy G. Biv
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Default Decided on Dry Tortugas

most everyone here has attempted to point out that things just aint
what they used to be in the Keys and my post will not differ

Threats of fines SHOULD concern ANY vessel operator throughout the
Keys, but I am surprised (after viewing bobs website) that he would
write "the yardstick formula for assessing a penalty for accidently
running aground in the FKNMS and doing even minimal damage to the sea
grass or any reef is $100,000 per day, prorated per hour the vessel is
aground, plus damage assessment costs, plus bottom restoration costs,
plus court costs, plus any fines for negligent navigation...oh, plus
the cost of towing, salvage and any damage you might do to your

Bob how about supporting your yardstick formula as it relates to a
smallcraft bareboat charter ? Bob, if you really want to spread
misinformation and take things out of context you could comfortably
add "Just entering the ATBA could cost you $10,000.00 !"

(the $10,000.00 fine in context )

But enough on Bobs troll and back to Matts post:

Matt writes " yes I know to bring Budweiser to trade for shrimp/fresh

Its my understanding that for a fisherman to be able to sell/barter
SEAFOOD products that the fisherman MUST have a Florida wholesale
seafood license

from the FWC website:

"A Retail Sal****er Products Dealer License (RC) is required to sell
any sal****er products to the end consumer. A retail dealer can only
purchase from a wholesale dealer. The RC is not required when products
are prepared for consumption or take-out under a license issued by the
Division of Hotels and Restaurants.

Wholesale and retail dealers who produce their own products under an
SPL must also report their landings to the Commission. Reporting
requirements for dealers are found in ch. 68-E, F.A.C. Landings under
an RC cannot be used to qualify for the RS."

These rules have been on the books for years and years but enforcement
was thin, in this new age of regulation it has come to my attention
that this rule is being enforced and just a couple weeks ago updated
my website to reflect just that:

"Capt. Matt" ...
The wife & I are looking at a week of sailing (bareboat charter, ours is too
small for a comfy trip) and a visit to the Dry Tortugas Nat. Park. This will
be our first trip, and I'm looking for any suggestions. We plan to sail from
Naples/Marco Is. in mid November. Any hints will be appreciated, yes I know
to bring Budweiser to trade for shrimp/fresh catch.