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Terry Spragg
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Default Decided on Dry Tortugas

"Don W." wrote:


That is just plain nuts, and far out of proportion with the damage
to the environment. Are we becoming a reactionary nation or what?
For a lot of less well-off boaters, that translates to:

"If you run hard aground we will take everything you own including
your house, car, and boat."

-unless you are a corporation with one dollar of capitalisation,
and an old boat. Check out the bankruptcy laws of florida before
you criticise their strategy to keep tourist in the high priced

How did we get to this point?

Don W.

Bob Cook wrote:

Hmmm...that's easy...

I would suggest reading up on the FKNMS, (Florida Keys National Marine
Sanctuary) areas, designations, rules, regulations, enforcement provisions,
and penalties. For instance, the yardstick formula for assessing a penalty
for accidently running aground in the FKNMS and doing even minimal damage to
the sea grass or any reef is $100,000 per day, prorated per hour the vessel
is aground, plus damage assessment costs, plus bottom restoration costs,
plus court costs, plus any fines for negligent navigation...oh, plus the
cost of towing, salvage and any damage you might do to your boat... So you
may want to reconsider just how anxious you are to go sailing in the Florida

Bob Cook

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