Hey, Krause
On Dec 24, 3:26*pm, John H wrote:
On Wed, 24 Dec 2008 11:06:36 -0800 (PST), wrote:
Do you remember saying this?
Most of the boys here who profess to be Christians are the worst-
assholes in the group, and that includes you, Herring, Florida Jim,
Loogy, Jackoff, and a couple of others. But of course you don't think
behavior has anything to do with Christianity. How convenient for you.
To which I replied, Show me one single time that I've EVER "profess
(ed) to being a Christian".
I guess because you're ignoring it, you're admitting it's but another
one of your lies.....
Nah, he doesn't remember.
Have a Super Christmas and a Spectacular New Year!
Hard keeping those lies straight!