On Thu, 25 Dec 2008 12:33:43 -0600, Jeff Mc wrote:
Curly Surmudgeon wrote:
On Thu, 25 Dec 2008 10:17:39 -0800, rigger wrote:
On Dec 25, 9:50 am, Cliff wrote:
"One day after granting a pardon to Brooklyn developer Isaac
President Bush revoked it, a step experts say is certainly rare and
possibly unprecedented."
Toussie, one of 19 people Bush pardoned on Tuesday, pleaded guilty
in 2003 to
defrauding the federal government and Suffolk County in mortgage and
price-inflation schemes. He and his father Robert, among the largest
landowners on Long Island, are accused of selling shoddy homes at
inflated prices, largely to minorities, in an ongoing class-action
lawsuit involving 400 families.
Yesterday, the White House said the President is revoking Toussie's
pardon, at least in part because of news reports revealing that his
father gave over $28,000 to the Republican National Committee just
months before the pardon petition.
The White House counsel recommended the pardon to the President. ]
Will they be giving back the $28,000?
And HOW can they UNDO a pardon?
According to Bush/Cheney the Executive has absolute power.
If he pardon's SureShot, himself, Rumsfeld & crew can Obama now undo
Absolute power would indeed grant that power to Obama.
Maybe their check bounced???
in nca
I think Cliff hit the nail on the head. Bush, the stupid ****, gave up
his absolute right to a self-imposed pardon with this cover up. Problem
is that Osama won't use the power.
He probably just hadn't signed or filed the paperwork yet.
How could he revoke what did not exist?
While a
decision to pardon is reversible, an actual pardon is not.
Did anyone bother to tell him & the repubs?
Otherwise it
would merely be a parole.
With neocons who knows?
The Rule of Law does not apply to them they say
(nor any laws at all I gather).
"I hereby grant full and unconditional pardons to the following named
Did he unpardon all of them? All or none in any case I'd think.