Flipping Flopper
On Dec 27, 4:02*pm, D Murphy wrote:
wrote in news:ede6df2a-5d07-4470-a012-
ÿ Will they be giving back the $28,000?
They should buy O'bamas senate seat.
That's not nearly enough money. It appears to be $25,000.00 minimum for an
appointed state job. State contracts sell for more. Senate seats according
to Blago are "****ing golden."
We have testimony in Federal court that state jobs and contracts were sold
in exchange for donations to Blagojevich's campaign.
The natural question would be; who was running that campaign and just how
much did the campaign managers know about it.
The answer is Blagojevich, Emanuel, Obama, and Wilhelm ran the campaign. I
find it hard to believe that any member of this team who ran the budget,
hustled donations, bought advertising, and met regularly didn't know what
was going on.
Did Obama not want to deal for the seat because he figured Blago owed him?
Or did he suddenly find some ethics? Time will tell.
I know I'm resting easier now that the Obama transition team has finished
its investigation into the Obama transition team and much to my surprise
found no evidence of "inappropriate" contact with Blago. Case closed. At
least until Blago gets convicted and decides to sing like Rezko and the
rest. Obama will be into his third year by then.
CNC Videos - http://tinyurl.com/yzdt6d
Hopefully, the feds have made copies of the tapes because once the new
administration puts their guy in charge of the FBI...