Building your own home
Jim wrote:
Boater wrote:
Tom Francis wrote:
On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 07:44:06 -0500, "Reginald P. Smithers III, Esq."
Tom Francis wrote:
On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 12:03:49 -0500, "Reginald P. Smithers III, Esq."
We are thinking about using this downturn in the housing market to
build a new home, and acting as our own General Contractor. Has
anyone in the group done this and do they have any words of advice?
Don't do it.
I don't know, Harry was very successful GC'ing his N. VA home.
That's Harry. Harry is successful at everything he attempts.
He's the Leonardo DaVinci of modern times. To date, Harry has proven
extensive knowledge of a whole host of subjects including, of all
things, opera. I mean roof loads, foundations, plumbing, electrical -
he's got the knowledge base - apparently.
So it follows that Harry would be the General Contractor for his own
home - he has nothing but time on his hands (as is obvious by the
number of posts just yesterday) which is a key element in being a GC
for your own home.
It's hard for the rest of us mere mortals to understand that.
Reggie, of course, is full of schitt. I was successful with the house
in NoVa because I had to be. If I had let the original GC get away
with his shenanigans, it would have been a financial disaster. And all
successful at the time meant was that I was able to complete the
project a little over budget. It was a hellacious, time-consuming,
aggravating project, and I would not do it again, especially these days.
How do you ever find time to work on all these projects and stay glued
to your computer screen. A mortal who has done all you say you did would
have to be at least 175 years old.
Whoever said Harry Krause is a mere mortal?