Why didn't the Palin family...
Boater wrote:
Frogwatch wrote:
On Dec 30, 6:38 pm, Boater wrote:
...name the new kid
*Maverick* Palin
*JoeSixPack* Palin
What a missed opportunity.
MEANWHILE, the Dems think Caroline "You Know" Kennedy would make a
wonderful senator because her last name is Kennedy. "You Know" has
never actually held a paying job and has no political experience but
Dems think she is well qualified. They also think a woman who was
mayor of a town and is Governor of a state and ran a business is not
qualified. What does this say about the judgement of Dems?
Obviously, Dems no longer believe in the power of common people as
they can only get excited about the divine rights of royalty and the
rich to run things.
Well, Caroline Kennedy isn't the star her daddy was, but I have no
doubts she is smarter than Mrs. Palin, who most certainly is not
qualified for high political office.
I've met elementary school students who were better public speakers than
Caroline Kennedy. And, according to Harry the inability to speak
coherently in public is a sign intellectual laziness and stupidity.