OT - Can we afford to fix the banks?
On Dec 29, 7:44*pm, Larry wrote:
"So far, Treasury has invested more than $162 billion in 207 banks. The
department set aside $250 billion from the bailout fund to be used for
direct investments in banks."
I say the more money invested in fishing grounds the better. Cod were
once flew on colonies flags and money. Of course we should invest in
banks Especially Grand Bank.
If I keep handing you piles of money to pay for your stupidity, do you have
any incentive to fix the problem? *
How true ! The commercail fishers and seafood buyers and processors
all screamed, let us catch more fish and politically forced NOAA-NMFS
to alow continued harvest proven beond commercial sustainablity of
target species.
Who will save your grandchildren??
I agree ! The contined abuse of our banks will leave all our children
with out cod, scallops, oysters, halibut, sabasties, and all the
flats. Once you could eat cod fishsticks then they were made of
pollock, then hake (pacific whitting) now..... mystry fish. Ugg. ALl
those mackeral snapping Catholics must be living in greef every