On Wed, 31 Dec 2008 08:58:06 -0500, "Reginald P. Smithers III, Esq."
Boater wrote:
Reginald P. Smithers III, Esq. wrote:
Boater wrote:
Reginald P. Smithers III, Esq. wrote:
John H wrote:
On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 21:12:47 -0500, "Reginald P. Smithers III, Esq."
John H
It appears that Harry has no problem with me posting his address.
You put Harry in a tough spot. His only choice is to start calling you
names or just not answer. Soon he'll be pretending he's got you
It will be in his special filter, named after himself, which allows
him to
read all the posts from those he 'filtered'.
** Good Day! **
John H
I have to assume Harry Krause has no problem with me posting his
name address and phone number. He believes not to do so makes one a
coward, and we all know that anyone who owns a handgun is NOT a coward.
I decided to give him 24 hrs to object to me posting his legal name,
address and phone number. If he has no objection, I figured I would
just add a sig file so it would post his legal name, address and
phone number every time I make a post in rec.boats. After all,
Harry Krause has brass balls.
You don't know how you are messing with Bub. I know who you are,
where you are and what size union made cement shoes you wear. Be
warned. My secret friend is ready to pounce.
** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **
Harry Krause,
I didn't think I was messing with anyone. I can not figure out what
that rambling statement means. Are you telling me I don't need to
post my legal name, because you already know who I am? Are you
telling me that someone who makes his name be known in Usenet is
subject to threats of death, by being thrown in water with cement shoes?
Are you telling me you don't care who knows your legal name, address
and phone number?
I am willing to consider letting you off the hook. In return you must
agree to stop harassing me immediately.
** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **
What happened to those brass balls you had, did they shrivel up into dust?
I've had a better thought. I think posting his name, address, and phone
number is suitable when he calls someone names. That way, the offended
party can give him a call or write a little note explaining that bad
behavior is not welcome.
I like it. I may start the New Year with that resolution.
** Good Day! **
John H