“Deliciously Truthful” Wager for Harry is Renewed
On Jan 3, 10:32 pm, GC Boater wrote:
On Jan 3, 9:07 pm, wrote:
On Jan 3, 7:26 pm, GC Boater wrote:
Hey Harry, old Chap, how ‘bout the wager? Now in my revised wager,
you only have to prove TWO of the three facts that you’ve stated
here. Just to refresh your recall of the details, the original wager
is reproduced below. How ‘bout it, Podner. Or can we safely assume
(as some here have claimed) that you are a yellow-bellied, lying,
craven, whining, discredited, contemptible, foolish, hypocritical
The original offer (revised above):
You have stated on this newsgroup that (1) your wife is a medical
doctor, (2) you graduated from Yale and (3) you own(ed) a Zimmerman-
like lobster boat.
So here’s the “wager,” as you term it. We both deposit equal amounts
of your choosing up to $100,000 each with a bonded, state regulated
escrow agent. Upon your proof of the three items above to the
“reasonable man” standard, you win the wager and walk away with up to
a $100,000 profit. If you fail to prove the above items, then I win
the wager.
that your are the yellow-bellied, lying, craven, whining, silly,
foolish crackpot that just a few folks here think you are?
The original offer (revised above):
You have stated on this newsgroup that (1) your wife is a medical
doctor, (2) you graduated from Yale and (3) you own(ed) a Zimmerman-
like lobster boat.
So here’s the “wager,” as you term it. We both deposit equal amounts
of your choosing up to $100,000 each with a bonded, state regulated
escrow agent. Upon your proof of the three items above to the
“reasonable man” standard, you win the wager and walk away with up to
a $100,000 profit. If you fail to prove the above items, then I win
the wager.
You dont HAVE 100,000 Herring. And your Homosexual Stalker persona is
showing again.
Thats why they dont let your wife wear short skirts...when she sits,
her balls show.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Hey SlamBam, this is not Herring. Are you drinking tonight? In any
event, I hear your doubt about me having the $100K. How about this.
Let Harry name the dollar amount, and then prove JUST ONE of the three
referenced claims. Once this is done, we'll both place the dollar
amount Harry has designated with a bonded escrow agent of his
choosing. Once he proves just ONE OTHER (only two total of the three
claims he has made here) then he wins the bet. If not, I win. Fair
Harry has stated that he thinks Caroline Kennedy is smart. That
definitively places him (Harry) on the IQ spectrum somewhere less than
his age. In consideration of this, why worry about ANYTHING he says.
You are more likely to find intelligence in the random jabbering of
chimps. We all need to become adjusted to the concept that some
people are simply not qualified to have opinions. Sorry Harry, but
the truth sometimes hurts, better to find out now than later.