On Sun, 04 Jan 2009 17:34:46 -0500, Tom Francis - SWSports
On Sun, 04 Jan 2009 17:18:55 -0500, John H
I'm thinking these may work. This piece would go into the bottom of the
stainless steel upright:
And the ball would go into this piece, screwed or through-bolted to the
This *looks* like it would allow a good deal of lateral swaying before any
stress would be placed on the mounting screws.
That's *my* story.
Ah - my mistake - I didn't comprehend what you were talking about.
My bad - I had the impression you wanted to dampen the lateral swaying
rather than prevent stress from messing up the mounts.
Yeah - those might work, but looking at the design you might get more
sway than you want. That might put added stress on the assembly
itself and cause it to distort or, possible, even collapse.
Just a thought.
And a good thought. I've got to find a place that stocks these and see what
they look like. West Marine supposedly carries them, but I've not been yet.
Maybe tomorrow. After golf. If the weather's decent.
Priorities, you know.