wrote in message
On Jan 5, 3:18 pm, (Richard Casady) wrote:
On Mon, 05 Jan 2009 13:40:07 -0500, wrote:
On Mon, 05 Jan 2009 06:38:01 -0500, Short Wave Sportfishing
The wheels on the bus go thump, thump, thump... :)
A am really surprised they didn't save this until Hillary was at
State. I guess it is just a "heads up" from the NYT before she resigns
her senate seat..
I have said for quite a while Bill's shenanigan will end up sinking
Which one is that. You can't mean the BJ. Nobody cared that JFK was a
pussy hound, no one cared, and no one should have. I loath Clinton,
but not for what I would call a shenanigan.
Yeah, but that whole taking 3 million dollar donation from the Chinese
Military wing right before the election, using it to flood the west
coast with TV ad's then, ooops, returning it right after the election
would.... Now the news today is we are going to have Leon Panetta in
charge of the CIA, here we go....
I agree about the Chinese thing, as long as you're consistent with your
dismay about spooky contributions. You know what I mean. The huge ones given
to all presidents back as far as Nixon, by the Saudis, to buy protection.