“Deliciously Truthful” Wager for Harry is Renewed
Don White wrote:
"HK" wrote in message
Frogwatch wrote:
Harry has stated that he thinks Caroline Kennedy is smart. That
definitively places him (Harry) on the IQ spectrum somewhere less than
his age. In consideration of this, why worry about ANYTHING he says.
You are more likely to find intelligence in the random jabbering of
chimps. We all need to become adjusted to the concept that some
people are simply not qualified to have opinions. Sorry Harry, but
the truth sometimes hurts, better to find out now than later.
You know, until this post of yours, I thought you were cut from slightly
better cloth than *some* of the slimeballs that frequent this newsgroup.
Do you know Caroline Kennedy? Are you aware of her academic and foundation
accomplishments? Do you have any empathy for that fact that her father was
assassinated in the service of this country when she was a little girl,
and that her uncle was also assassinated, and that her initial shyness in
this quest of hers might be related to a bit of nervousness? Do you think
she thinks she might be murdered, too?
She's smart enough, probably smarter than you are and I am. Why the
over-the-top personal attack on her and on me over this? You're behaving
like Herring, D K, Loogy, and the rest of the slimeballs...and I am truly
sorry to see that.
This newsgroup just keeps sliding farther into the cesspool.
This slimeball behaviour is like an epidemic.
Maybe it's time the entire newsgroup was fumigated and started over.
I agree. You would be gone - for good.