"Tom Francis - SWSports" wrote in
message news

On Mon, 05 Jan 2009 21:22:25 -0500, hk wrote:
Tom Francis - SWSports wrote:
Here's what I want to know:
5% of all deaths from diseases of the circulatory system are
attributed to alcohol.
I'm in favor of banning the growth and sale of all tobacco products.
Thought you'd like to know that.
Great - that's wonderful that you have an actual opinon on the subject
of smoking.
Now, how about the alcohol?
"Do what you can, with what you
have, where you are."
Theodore Roosevelt.
As Scott mentioned, harry's response had absolutely nothing to do with the
thread you began. His rebuttal to your follow up, again had nothing to do
with the thread. What does smoking have to do with booze? This is his M.O.
in *every* thread. This will now grow to a long winded, flaming, personal
attack thread. As is every other one that harry contributes to. Yes, I'm
part of it, and I apologize. I will not respond to this thread again.
Oh yeah, I notice that the only threads that don't get out of hand, are the
ones that harry starts... no one responds. What a surprise.