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Reginald P. Smithers III, Esq.[_3_] Reginald P. Smithers III, Esq.[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Nov 2008
Posts: 723
Default Digital Converter Boxes

hk wrote:

Well, once again you say you are informed, but offer zero information
to back your claim.. I mean, it's obvious that you have plenty of time
to correct me (cut and paste from google), but you really have nothing
to offer... Stick to insults, it's all you have...

Tell you the truth, I find it far more fun and more interesting, too, to
watch you and several others wallow in your ignorance and stupidity.

Here's a hint: "digital" in cable tv usage has a lot to do with numbers
like 480, 720, and higher, and very little to do with beaming signals
down from satellites.

You really are wallowing in your ignorance and stupidity. As far a
cable companies are concerned when they talk "digital", they are talking
about cable transmission and it has NOTHING to do with High Definition.

They offer analog transmission, digital transmission, regular definition
and high definition. You are comparing apples and oranges and calling
someone else stupid as you gag on your foot.