You Squids get all the best toys...
The hoverwing or Wing Over Ground systems are interesting. The USCG
has not decided what to classify them as currently - they aren't
strictly an aircraft and they aren't strictly a boat.
When this company tested one from Woods Hole to Martha's Vineyard two
summers ago in August, there was some concern about collisions with
recreational and commercial boats in the area. I'm not sure I'd want
to be in the vicinity on a dark night with one of these things zipping
along three feet above the waves.
Here's the company that makes them.
Then there is this little beastie...
Now that seems like a very interesting boat, but where's all the stuff
that goes crash, bang and KABOOM?
Oh - I forgot - that's why the Navy has the Marine Corps.
Now why the hell would the Squids..erm...sorry - Navy need one of
Never mind - just figured it out.
That's why the Navy has the Marine Corps. :)
Chaos! Panic! Disaster! (My work here is done)