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Meindert Sprang Meindert Sprang is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 140
Default Ethernet

"Bĝrge Wedel Müller" wrote in message
Hi group

Just thinking. I good fluxgate compass is running at least 10HZ, directly

the wheel/autopilot.

Most other NMEA devices need a similar update frekvens.

Will at NMES/seriel to ethernet system, be able to be fast enough to

all the data, forward them, and decode them into seriel again, in a

matter (that is probaply sub 0.1sec??)

Yes, but only if you can configure the serial/ethernet gateway to send a
frame when a CR/LF is received. This will result in an ethernet frame per
NMEA sentence. If you don't do this, the gateway could collect as much NMEA
data to fill a reasonably sized ethernet frame 1000-1500 bytes and then send
it off. This would result in very irregular heading information.
