Is this how people feel?
jps wrote:
On Tue, 13 Jan 2009 07:29:52 -0800 (PST), Frogwatch
An old friend came through town and she is a computer type who does
main frame stuff. She was recently laid off from a very large
mainframe data base management company. She spent the entire time
discussing how much she disliked the company and how it was run. I
was shocked by this although I have friend who regularly talks about
how much he dislikes his state govt job. Our discussion really shook
me because it seemed so nightmarish to work for years at something you
dislike. This has me wondering, how many people work for an entity
they do not like? How many people dislike their work?
I have worked for people I disliked and have done jobs I disliked but
that was when I was much younger. I think that as you get older and
wiser you should figure out that you slowly are killing yourself if
you dislike your work. My friend lives for her days off which seems
very sad. You spend so much time at work the idea of not enjoying it
seems unimaginable.
While I'm sure most people find satisfaction in aspects of their work,
I don't think I've had a job that didn't also have its downside.
Also, I expect its a lot easier focusing on the negative when being
let go.
Change is constant that can turn good situations bad. Being hired
into good circumstances with good management in good companies aren't
guaranteed to stay that way. While they're enjoying their work,
getting promoted, taking on a new or bigger house, bigger debt, kids,
etc. the world keeps changing. Management, markets, economies all
move and can upset any perfect situation.
The obligations that people naturally assume as they settle into a
career can easily prevent them from moving even laterally.
I feel sorry for anyone in this market. It's going to get worse
before it gets better. The trickle down is just now starting.
It's very rough already and it is going to get worse. Perhaps some
long-term unemployment and loss of health care benefits this year might
turn overly smug Republicans into human beings.