"Meindert Sprang" wrote in
"Bĝrge Wedel Müller" wrote in message
Hi group
Just thinking. I good fluxgate compass is running at least 10HZ,
the wheel/autopilot.
Most other NMEA devices need a similar update frekvens.
Will at NMES/seriel to ethernet system, be able to be fast enough to
all the data, forward them, and decode them into seriel again, in a
matter (that is probaply sub 0.1sec??)
Yes, but only if you can configure the serial/ethernet gateway to send
a frame when a CR/LF is received. This will result in an ethernet
frame per NMEA sentence. If you don't do this, the gateway could
collect as much NMEA data to fill a reasonably sized ethernet frame
1000-1500 bytes and then send it off. This would result in very
irregular heading information.
That's probably what ours does. I've never seen the data coming into
The Cap'n through the virtual serial port on a Dell Latitude laptop balk
over the wifi. The serial port on the webfoot is plugged into the
serial port on a Noland NMEA multiplexer. The Webfoot ethernet port
feeds a port on an old Netgear wifi router. The data is fast and smooth
even at the other end of the dock! The Cap'n thinks it has COM4 hooked
to it, when in reality its via wifi.
Caused quite a stir the first time I took it into the yacht club bar
running. Now you can even see the AIS plotted on it!