Let's get rid of NMEA
On Wed, 14 Jan 2009 03:01:33 +0000, Larry wrote in
John Navas wrote in
Good way to discourage carriers from offering unlimited access in the
future. [sigh]
Oh, John, I can see they're just terrified of my huge 20mw hotspot's range
and bandwidth.....
They actually are concerned, your sarcasm notwithstanding, because open
hotspots are frequently abused, particularly with illicit peer-to-peer
filesharing. Such abuse constitutes a substantial portion of network
traffic at the expense of legitimate users. Since cellular spectrum is
limited, it's an even bigger problem for cellular than for Wi-Fi. Many
carriers specifically address network abuse in the terms of service.
Best regards,
John Navas, publisher of Navas' Sailing & Racing in
the San Francisco Bay Area http://sail.navas.us/