Gordon wrote in
Polls show less and less people believe it is human caused
s/44_say_global_warming_due_to_planetary_trends_not_ people
It was never human caused. We're in one of the coldest periods of Earth's
history. (Religious nuts who think Earth is 6000 years old, dispite a
mountain of evidence to the contrary, please ignore all this and pray.)
John died of a heart attack in 2004, but his legacy of truth about
climatology's lies and scare tactics lives on.
In 1841, Capt. Sir James Clark Ross marked the mean sea level on the Isle
of the Dead in Tasmania for us. (It's a _V_ mark in the shade of the rock
sticking out in the middle of the picture.)
John Daly did an extensive study and concluded the sea level has only risen
a few mm since the 1841 mark was made....blowing the sea level rising
nonsense out of the water....
Look over both these sites, John Daly's legacy for us. It's an amazing
place to spend an evening.....