To Our Children's Children's Children, On the Threshold of aNightmare
Frogwatch wrote:
Our parents have been referred to as “The Greatest Generation” for
saving the world from Nazis and Fascists, sending people to the moon
and their delayed gratification in the interests of their children.
Their children, the boomers, meanwhile embraced the corpse of
Communism while their elders were busy driving a stake in its heart.
Not content to thumb their noses at their parents sacrifices, the
boomers chose to embrace immediate gratification via massive debt to
fuel their every whim. Now that the bill has come due, in true boomer
fashion they are now trying to pass the bill onto their great
grandchildren via Obama’s “Stimulus Plan” that will be paid by
successive generations. Obama is the ultimate boomer having never
held a real job or done any honest days work he now thinks he is
qualified to spend our grandchildren’s money.
Interesting delusion.
We have witnessed what Global Corporatism or the partnership of
government/global merchants, or ownership of government has wrought. It
happened similarly in 29 and a couple of other times. Socialism was
never the fault.
Not many embrace Communism, I'm sure. Neither do they embrace the other
extreme we are in.
Sure there is going to be some socialist inrodes on social issues. I
hope that is all. We already have a form of socilsm for the Global
Corporations, Wall Street and Bankers. Taxpayers were just put in hock
up to their Grand children's ears.
Di you endorse that? Do you miss that? Are you one of the Wealth Global
Elites that control our government and economy? No you're not otherwise
you wouldn't have time to waste here.
What perversion and sense of loyalty do you have to what has been done
to America? Perhaps you embrace a global plantation?