On Fri, 30 Jan 2009 16:49:24 -0800, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
Gunner Asch got double secret probation
for writing:
On Sun, 25 Jan 2009 12:10:26 -0500, Who is John Galt "Men of The
kurgan wrote:
On Jan 24, 5:23 pm, Garlicdude wrote:
Carla Fong wrote:
HK wrote:
Cliff wrote:
"President Obama told the Republican lawmakers that "you can't just
listen to
Rush Limbaugh and get things done.""
To paraphrase Mark Twain: Never pick a fight with someone who has 20 million
He's not relevant. His 'base' are not swing voters. They'll vote
Republican no matter what.
The Obama comment was aimed at the moderates.
You may be able to say that they will *NOT* vote Liberal, but as we saw
with Ross Perot "At one point in June, Perot led the polls with 39%
(versus 31% for Bush and 25% for Clinton). " They may vote in other
There are far more conservatives than Moderates in the Republican
Party...which btw..is no longer considered to be Conservative by its
They are in the midst of an identity crisis. The GOP has to go back to
its conservative grass roots, or lose most of its membership
The future of the GOP is decidely interesting
It is decidedly terminal. They cannot appease the middle. Therefore
they can only play to the *base* (ignorant southern rednecks and
****wits like Gummy). Therefore the policies they espouse will
continue to marginalize a restrict their *base* because the same
policies disaffect the majority of americans. So, as they continue to
play to their *base* their *base* will continue to contract.
So much for Rove and the permanent republican majority. 8 years and
the electorate woke up, boggled and realized they had voted for a
bunch of morons that had screwed them.