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Default 28 footers for channel islands

Dan Best wrote:
Lefty wrote:

What do you all think are good old boats for such a plan? I'm
thinking sub-30 feet to keep slips and aux expenses down.

Any number of them. To keep it chea... er, uh, as inexpensive as
possible (which the tenor of your note seems to indicate is a
priority), you'll be looking at boats from the 70's. By definition,
these are going to be rather high milage boats.

It's not so much a case of "as inexpensive as possible!", as finding out
"how inexpensive is possible?" :-) For a good boat, not something tired,
broken, hacked, or sad.

Maybe I could spend more, but if there are good boats that are "underpriced"
on the market, that would be good to know. That kind of thing.

That last issue of Good Old Boat had a bit on the Sabre 28 (I think that's
right, I don't have it handy) being inducted into some kind of design Hall
of Fame. As I window shop stuff like that is fun to know.

Speaking of Catalinas, there seem to be a lot of them around in So Cal, and
at first sight prices seem to be driven down by the supply ... yes?