Yes, there are two wires running to the plugs on some turbines.
I spend considerable time lurking in aircraft hangars. You see all sorts of
odd things done on aircraft systems.
The starting spark on a turbine engine has considerably higher power than a
standard gas engine - It has enough oomph that you can hear the snap of the
spark over the whine of the compressor when it starts up. It has to have
"lot 'o zots" to fire kerosene at the high air velocities in a turbine
Mark Browne
Thanks for sharing that, I didnt realize turbines were that way. They must have
a huge magneto if you can hear em snap

I have a good friend who is an aircraft mechanic USAF and he told me that on
piston engine aircraft many will have 2 wires per plug but the reason is for
redundancy (in case one fails), they are both hot.