In article ,
Michael Porter wrote:
Can anyone (Larry?, Bruce?) help with a spec for capacitors for RF
ground for a HF radio? I want to keep the DC away from the (aluminum)
Michael Porter
Michael Porter Marine Design
mporter at mp-marine dot com
You need to define the Frequency Range of the Radio/Antenna System, and
Power Output, that your trying to DC Isolate/AC Couple. If your dealing
with just HF Frequencies (3-30 Mhz) and less than 150 Watts PEP, it is
very easy to get a .5uf non-Polarized 600 Volt Cap, to do the job. As
you Lower the Frequency, and or Raise the Power Level, you will need
larger Capacitance and Higher Voltage Ratings. The whole idea here is to
have the Capacitor be as low of impedance, as possible, at the Lowest
Frequency of the System, and the highest Voltage Rating available which
will allow the Highest Power Level.
Bruce in alaska
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