Capacitors for RF ground
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 5,275
Capacitors for RF ground
(Richard Casady) wrote in
On Sun, 08 Feb 2009 19:50:40 +0000, Larry wrote:
...60 amps or so into a 15 ohm vertical tower 1/4 wave high.
Those capacitors are simply HUGE!
Biggest I ever saw were part of a computer power supply. About three
by ten inches. One Farad at low volts.
Most computerized music instruments use a 1Farad 5V tiny little button of
an electrolytic capacitor in them, instead of a big button battery that
leaks, any more. It can't provide current, but will stay charged when the
unit is unplugged for months, supporting the static memory the
registrations are stored in so you don't need to reload them.
But, you're talking about DC power supplies, not RF coupling. RF current
through a capacitor is a whole nother ball game!
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