Capacitors for RF ground
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 5,275
Capacitors for RF ground
(Richard Casady) wrote in
When I was a kid we had an electrolytic, rather three in the same can.
We paralleled them, twisted three wires together solder, repeat.
We would charge it up with a 90 volt battery and kill guppies. The
leads were 3/4 in apart and we would straddle the fish with the leads.
Also blew holes in aluminum foil. I caught a friend of my kid brother
about to put the leads in a wall socket. Should have let him do it.
Wait until you see the massive ultracapacitor EEStor is making for the Zenn
Canadian electric cars. Given enough power, it will recharge in seconds,
not hours, as no chemical battery will be involved. The target is 125
miles at 80 mph all electric. Amazing technology coming....
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