Marine Stereo Set-up (Amp/Sub/Etc)
On Feb 14, 5:41*am, "Matt" wrote:
Yes but what about the moutning / location of the AMP, i want to keep is as
dry as possible, along with all my other stereo equipment, but am unsure if
it needs 'Air' to breath, a location the has constant airflow, whichi n a
boat would be difficult..
No, they don't need constant airflow. However, the more restricted the
area you mount it, the more you should consider the quality of the
amp. Alpine has compact stackable marine amps. Pricey, but worth a
look. I've used Alpine equipment for years and have never had a
complaint. They might even have minimum clearance specs.
Remember too that unless it has some kind of decent housing, it's
likely to get hot. Even while idling. Don't want kids or hot chicks
accidentally burning themselves on it.