On Sun, 15 Feb 2009 01:00:21 +0000, D Murphy wrote:
Curly Surmudgeon wrote in
On Sat, 14 Feb 2009 16:57:48 +0000, D Murphy wrote:
Curly Surmudgeon wrote in
On Fri, 13 Feb 2009 05:39:40 +0000, D Murphy wrote:
Curly Surmudgeon wrote in
news:4994f3e2$0$31588 :
On Fri, 13 Feb 2009 03:26:48 +0000, D Murphy wrote:
Cliff wrote in
news:hnv7p4d6k1srg5gl5v3r4n446cms9kfci7@ 4ax.com:
Send some of those Cuba-trained doctors to the US.
Last I heard they were being treated like slaves in Venezuela and
they were begging for asylum in the US.
My conversations with Cuban doctors in Argentina, Bolivia,
Paraguay, Venezuela and Peru said no such thing. All were well
educated, kind and anxious to help society.
Pick a source you trust.
It was all over the news a while back.
Yeah, in the year 2000...
There have been hundreds of defections.
Another claim you've failed to substantiate. Bribery is a better word in
this context, Cubans are bribed to defect with lives of luxury supported
by the U.S. Government for propaganda. Above your own link google links
claim on the average 100 defections. That's out out of 40,000 medical
personal or 0.25% who took the bribes offered. One quarter of one
And it was two doctors.
Nor did the _single_ doctor in the 2007 article mention slavery. Where
do you get your prejudice, World Nut Daily?
Where is the slavery?
I never claimed slavery. I made an analogy relating their poor working
conditions to slavery.
No, you said, "Last I heard they were being treated like slaves in
Where's the slavery?
My statement stands as first-hand knowledge. The Cuban doctors I've
spoken to were proud of their profession and country while helping
others. It's amazing just how many and numerous they are. In many
small villages and towns there seems to be a Cuban doctor. You can't
help but run across them. I've seen them from the Northern jungles of
Paraguay on the Brazilian border to the remote Bolivian and Peruvian
Many, actually most I've encountered, are women.
OK. All I said is that some want to defect.
Many have been murdered, beaten and robbed.
A new charge, any cites?
They are poorly compensated and Venezuelan doctors claim that they are
poorly trained.
Any cites to substantiate that claim?
Service can be compulsory:
Any cites to substantiate that claim?
Cuba - section 220 of the Labour Code: a sentence of imprisonment of
from six months to two years may be imposed on a person who, by breach
of the duties placed on him by his office, employment, occupation or
profession in a state economic unit (particularly of his duties relating
to the observance of the standards or standard-setting instructions and
other rules and instructions concerning technological discipline) causes
harm or substantial prejudice to the production output or to the
rendering of services by the unit or to its equipment, machines,
machinery, tools or other technical devices. The Committee has noted the
information provided by the Government in its report (including the
documents annexed to the report), to the effect that any sentences of
correctional labour imposed for violations of this provision are subject
to the person sentenced being willing to perform such labour.
What does that have to do with the 40,000 doctors Cuba sends all over the
From your google search string:
Cuban health professionals who defected apply for fast-track entry
to... Free with registration - Knight Ridder Washington Bureau -
AccessMyLibrary.com - Mar 9, 2007
Cuba has an estimated 40000 doctors, dentists, nurses and other
medical personnel working in 69 countries, including some 15000 in
Venezuela. ...
Most go on to say that almost 100 medical personal, not doctors, have
applied for asylum in the U.S. under a program set up to lure
professionals from Cuba.
Whoop-de-****ing-do, 0.25% *medical* *personal,* not
"doctors,"accepted bribes amounting to hundreds of thousands of
dollars. So, again, where did you "hear[d] they were being treated
like slaves in Venezuela and begging for asylum"?
I suppose if you think Cuban's are free and allowed to raom around
Venezuela unmonitored then what you just wrote makes sense.
What makes you think otherwise? Any first hand knowledge or just
unsubstantiated opinion?
I've read first hand accounts from defectors.
In other words you really don't have a clue.
The truth is that they are not. They can only apply for asylum if they
can escape across the border to Columbia.
Cuban health professionals are being traded for oil and some that have
escaped report to being forced to campaign and promote Chavez.
Cite? Your own reports shows that only 0.25% accepted U.S. bribes to
Still no cites. Don't expect to bull**** your way through this.
They aren't allowed to talk to the press.
Where do you get this stuff?
Just open your eyes.
Better than opening my eyes, I've met the very people you're speaking
of. I've traveled with, dined with, socialized with Cuban doctors and
you're wrong. Don't believe the propaganda we've been fed for 50 years
and research the topic objectively. Better yet get off your couch and do
your own research.
FuseAction=PressReleases.Detail&PressRelease_id=38 87&Month=8&Year=2008
How many are in Venezuela against their will? How many is too many?
5%? 50%?
How many claims are you going to fabricate?
Where is the fabrication? I asked a question.
Your question was an implication just as mine was.
Or doesn't their will matter just as long as they are treating poor
people for "free"?
Let's see, Cubans working among the poor and indigenous without charge
are bad, much worse, than U.S. doctors denying health care to the poor
and elderly. What planet do you live on?
To recap, you read a few websites and ran them through your prejudicial
filters then make assertions that don't exist in the real world.
Regards, Curly
Arrest Bush