Frekin' idiots... Let's kill another MV industry.. You thinkboats aren't next?
The Bill was signed last fall was signed by your guy, former
President George W. Bush.
I'm sure the "kiddie abuse little bitty motorcycle makers assn" will file
for an exemption, if it hasn't already. Such exemptions are common when a
new "blanket" regulation has unforeseen consequences. That is, assuming
the motorcycle manufacturers and their sale agents have the brains to push
for it.
How was it decided which motorcycles were for kids? Engine displacement?
Here's an idea: if this reg will impact your kid, advise her to switch her
hobby to something that will help here succeed in life. You know, math,
spelling, geography, English, science...
If JustHate wants to help rather than complain... he should encourage
development of a practical electric engine kiddie motorcycle.- Hide quoted text -
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First off dolt, the ban has nothing to do with the type of engine,
although I a sure the greenies had something to do with it.. You
should really have read the article before acting like an idiot...
As to Harry's tripe I did not say Obama or Bush. Unlike you idiots I
don't post everything with a political slant.. The companies have been
trying to get a waiver for them, but again, the greens are probably
deep into this. They have used a portion of a bill that doesn't allow
lead over 600 ppm in products "marketed" to children under 13 so bikes
under 85 cc's are effected. Watch out though, your kids XBox has lead
solder, and there are many other toys and such coming down the road
with this one.. Fact is, most kids, even little ones don't chew on
their motorcycles, but the lawmakers know that... Either way, it is
just another way to attack the industry...