Frekin' idiots... Let's kill another MV industry.. You thinkboats aren't next?
Richard Casady wrote:
On Wed, 18 Feb 2009 07:15:43 -0500, HK wrote:
Richard Casady wrote:
On Wed, 18 Feb 2009 09:32:41 -0500, HK wrote:
Loogy? Grow up into *what*? A less juvenile delinquent? Under Loogy's
careful parenting, his kid broke her arm, or maybe both of them, in,
Loogy alleged, a bicycle accident. Yeah, right.
My first wifes kid broke his collarbone with a too big bicycle. I told
her the bike was too big and he would get hurt.
Yeah, so? Did you think I was denying the possibilities of a kid being
injured in a bicycle mishap?
Just pointing out how common they are.
So is child abuse, and parents who try to cover it up by blaming it on
something else.