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Curly Surmudgeon wrote in news:499bbdbe$0
It's always easy to look at the past with 20/20 hindsight and see the
mistakes. It's also easy to live in the past and blame it for every
percieved wrong in ones life. Blame is the life blood of populist
socialist governments. It deflects the critisism away from any of
failings and points it toward some big imagined evil empire.
I believe you began the blame game criticizing Chavez.
He deserves some. The problem with his populist style of socialism is
that eventually you run out of places to take money from. State run
businesses usually go into decline fairly quickly. The wealthy hurry
their money out of the country, and after what little wealth that is left
is redistributed, there's not enough to go around.
He has benefitted from ever rising oil prices. But that train has run off
the tracks. Venezuela once had more diversity in its economy. Nowadays a
little over 90% of GDP is related to oil.
Inflation is running at 30% right now and there are food shortages. It's
not good.
To understand the reality of Latin America one must comprehend the
history of the region. When you grasp where Chavez is coming from its
lot easier to understand why he is vociferously protective of his
I find that a refreshing change from the dictators and puppets who
preceeded Hugo Chavez and a good omen for his successor. Just as Raul
Castro is improving Cuba after Fidel.
I hope you are right. But it looks to me like he is moving to make
himself dictator for life with the removal of term limits. Time will
tell. Right now he is facing a serious crisis and he's worn out his
welcome with people who would help him, with his constant empty,
inflammatory rhetoric. Humility has a place in leadership. Hopefully
he'll find some.
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