How failure is defined.
On Feb 20, 10:14*am, "Gwen Ives"
"Wilbur Hubbard" wrote in message
Nealburs Jealous Tormented rants removed
Hey Gwen,
Nealbur has not the balls to leave the sight of land on his ****
stained day sailor.
It's all he has, he would never risk it. He has avoided any sailing
failure by not sailing at all.
Therefore Cecil Neal Warrens defines failure.
Besides Cuba would send him back, as a convicted felon.
His back has a stripe the same yellow color. He has no bases for
critizing anyone, as his neighbor Ron has pointed out his eye sore of
a boat has been sitting in the same backwater (now ********) for 15
years never moving. He has avoided any sailing failure by not sailing
at all. Therefore he defines failure.
He will sit in his rented flop room and pretend to be people like
Greg, Wilbur, ect..ect...ect.....unless Ron gets him run out of town
on a rail.
Anyhow Neal would wet his panties passing a sea bouy, not going to
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves”