bb wrote:
On Fri, 05 Sep 2003 19:49:19 -0400, Harry Krause
So far, Bush has no answers for job creation.
Now Harry, there you go again. Isn't that axe sharp enough yet?
Mr Bush just came out and said what we need are more tax cuts.
It is an interesting concept that what the economy needed to get going
again was tax cuts for the rich. Were there some tax increases to the
rich that put the economy in a tail spin to begin with? It seemed
like we were doing just fine, robust economy, budget surplus, and then
things went down hill around election time. I'll not blame Clinton,
or Bush, but lay it on a normal economic cycle brought on by
Greenspan's interest rate hikes. Maybe what Greenspan did was needed
considering how the economy was charging along and it was time to get
the Dems out of the white house. But, what happened was a normal
business cycle. The rich, or anyone else, being over taxed was not a
problem or we wouldn't have had such a strong economy for so long
under Clinton. No, the recession was just a good excuse to bilk the
national treasury for the good of Mr Bush's cronies.
It's early yet for most Americans to even begin thinking about the
national elections. But the possibilities are interesting. We're a
little more than a year away, and we have a president who cannot get a
grasp on the economy, who has ruined decades of diplomacy, who has
ensnarled us in a war with a country that wasn't our enemy, who has
taken steps to worsen the environment, erode workers' rights, hand out
huge payoffs to the oil and drug industries, who has whittled away the
Bill of Rights, and who has made our country the laughing stock of the
I have no idea who the Democratic nominees will be, but if they are a
pair willing to body slam Bush really hard for a year, they may well
beat him enough enough to send him back to Crawford, Texas. I like
Howard Dean as an orator - he has the fire in his belly - but I don't
know if his dog will hunt in the South. Pair him up with Wesley Clark
and you'll have a really interesting team that could slaughter the
Bu****es on domestic policy, diplomacy, and, of course, running the
military properly.
Notice how Bush has kind of stopped talking about Iraq and is now trying
to "handle" the economy?
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