"Aniculapeter" wrote in message
Here is a link to a DC to DC converter for computers
. Input range 10-19V DC
. Output Voltage 12V DC
. Output power 72 Watts max
99 £
go to the bottom of the page.
If you know any others (cheaper), please let me know.
This thread has sparked me into doing a bit more research on 12V power for
computers and a few thoughts and sources are listed below. I have also
crossposted this to rec.boats.electronics, where this thread might be more
The carputer/MP3 group have done a fair bit of work in this area, and appear
to face a similar problem to powering computers in boats......powering
solutions which involve AC inverters often create undesirable "noise". For
many, a DC-DC solution is the preferred way to go.
http://www.thisstrife.com/carproject..._chapter_4.asp has a forum where
power issues are discussed, also checkout the downloads and resources (one
of the .pdf downloads has a list of sources for DC-Dc converters)
http://www.mp3car.com/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=11 is another forum
http://www.sproggy.freeserve.co.uk/ offers a design for a DIY person to
build a 12V input(8-17V) and ATX power output converter Anyone have any
experience with this? Looks too advanced for my electronics skills.
A commercial solution is at
http://www.opussolutions.com/150watt.html 12V
unregulated auto/boat input , 150 watt ATX power output, with all sorts of
sensing, shutdown and protection features. Cost about $200US They also have
a 90 watt version for ITX. Anyone have any experience with this in terms of
This last one seems to answer the original poster's question.