WiFi recommendation
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Bruce In Bangkok
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2008
Posts: 576
WiFi recommendation
On Thu, 12 Mar 2009 07:58:54 -0400,
I currently have an old analog cell phone antenna at the top of my
mast on a trawler. Do not use the antenna any longer, and would like
to use the coax to mount a WiFi antenna to run to my onboard laptop.
My goal is better distances to AP. Anyone done something like this
successfully. My laptop has both PC Card slots and available USB 2.0
ports. I can find numerous claims on the internet, but would prefer to
find something that is a proven solution. Thanks
I currently use a USB WiFi amplified antenna hoisted on a flag halyard
about 20 ft. above the deck. It certainly gives me an improved signal
over the laptop's built in antenna located about 2 ft. above the
I did, however, find that there is a practical limit to the length of
USB cable that can be used without some sort of amplifier in either
the line or the antenna.
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Bruce In Bangkok
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