SPOT Tracking Devices Free until March 27
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Wilbur Hubbard
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,869
SPOT Tracking Devices Free until March 27
"Gogarty" wrote in message
In article ,
Those of you who have been thinking about buying a SPOT satellite
tracking device, this looks like a good opportunity. They are
offering the device free (normally about $160) if you sign up for a
year of basic service + the webtracking service. Go he
and enter the promotion code of GORDON23 when you check out. That
gives you the device plus the first year's service for $150.
The SPOT device is really not a substitute for a good EPIRB but they
offer some of the benefits for a lot less cost. The web tracking
pages are very cool as those of you who followed Roger Long's or Skip
and Lydias adventures last year know.
Never could get the web tracking thingie to work.
It worked just fine for me. I tracked all Skippy's trips up and down the
Interstate highway from Florida to Georgia a couple or three different
times. You probably need to get Java or Microsoft Virtual Machine configured
on your computer.
Wilbur Hubbard
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Wilbur Hubbard
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