Gunner Asch wrote:
On Mon, 23 Mar 2009 16:08:46 -0300, "Don White"
"wf3h" wrote in message
On Mar 23, 11:49 am, Jim Chandler wrote:
On Mon, 23 Mar 2009 05:28:52 -0700 (PDT), wf3h
On Mar 22, 7:10 pm, Jim Chandler wrote:
On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 05:17:18 -0400, Cliff wrote:
On Fri, 20 Mar 2009 10:22:30 -0500, "P" wrote:
"Scott" wrote in message
P wrote:
"Scott" wrote in message
P wrote:
"Scott" wrote in message
P wrote:
Rather racist, don't you think?
C'mon Scott, tell us how you REALLY feel!
I am sick of pious, self-aggrandizing people, such as yourself,
cant laugh at humor, but instead turn a simple joke (you might
to look that up) into yet another opportunity to testify to your
terrific goodness.
By stereotyping.
My sole intent was to start a dialogue, which seemed to work.
you should look up the word, "sarcasm"?
And I offer an appology to you.
Thanks. The mark of a mature man (Cliff - take note).
He probaby thinks you have more guns than he has.
BTW,The NRA has the wingers in a feeding frenzy at the gun shops ...
The rise in gun sales is due to one thing and one thing only.
America's number one gun salesman....Barack Obama! The NRA had
nothing to do with it. Only a small percentage of those buying guns
and ammo since his election are NRA members.
i love it.
the NRA whips its sheep into a feeding frenzy based on no information
at all...and then blames it on obama...
gun owners are the most gullible folks, outside of creationists, in
the US.
I find it interesting that, as an NRA member and instructor, I have
seen no whippiong the members into a frenzy.
really? no 'obama's gonna confiscate all guns; congress is going to
reimpose the assault weapons ban, yadda yadda'?
gee....mebbe you think NRA stands for 'national recovery act' under
FDR. i live in PA. i can't tell you how many NRA members i had shriek
at me before the election last year about obama...and how many tell
me know they're buying guns because obama wants to confiscate them
As I previously stated,
and which you either could not read or chose to ignore, NRA members
are but a small part of the overall number of gun owners. The
gullible are the liberals who believe that Obama will save the country
and that stupid gun control laws work.
i dont believe in gun CONTROL
i believe the 2nd should be repealed and guns should be banned. big
************************************************** ***********
Hopefully, someone down there will ban...or at least severely restrict
handgun ownership.
Guns keep creeping over the border to infest our cities. matter how hard and devieous the attempts to restrict the
citzens freedoms...the 2nd Amendment is always kept alive.
And thanks be to its defenders.
And god damn those who are its detractors.
Gummy! I had heard your body had followed your mind into death. Guess
those reports of your body's demise were overly hopeful!