Raining like crazy here.....
"HK" wrote in message
Don White wrote:
wrote in message
On Mar 25, 1:03 am, "Mike" wrote:
"Don White" wrote in message
"Tim" wrote in message
huge front rolling in. It may rain for a couple days... *ugh* just
when it was starting to feel nice, too. Looks like "April showers" are
coming a bit soon.
Oh well.....
We just had a good sized snow storm.......... and I discovered a flat
on my Ranger PU, one week before I unload it..d'oh!
How long did you drive around before you realized it was flat?
As soon as Harry told him.
************************************************** *
You're a born commedian.
A couple of hours after returning the dog from his run, I went outside
and discovered my flat *in the driveway*.
All fixed... Ford Roadside Assistance sent the CAA service truck to help.
He used a compressed tank of air to blow the tire back up & followed me
to a well established tire shop about three city blocks from my house.
They removed the tire, patched it from the inside and sent me on my way
for $25.00 CDN....about $20 yankee dollahs.
Roofing nail? Whenever I get a flat, the shop usually finds the culprit to
be a roofing nail.
The tire guy just said it was a nail....didn't mention what kind. I learned
to stay away from new construction.
I've been lucky around 2 brother-in-laws houses. They're both in the
drywall business and the screws they use are darn sharp.