Anyone have "Local Knowledge" of Bermuda
We're planning a trip to Bermuda (from NC) in early summer. This will
be our first voyage out there, so Bermuda solidly classifies as an
unfamiliar landfall.
We're trying to connect with friends and family who will be flying
in. There's not enough room onboard for all of us, so I'm looking for
cheap (but not flea-bag) shoreside lodging near an anchorage in
Bermuda. (Right now, it's looking like, after checking in at St.
George, we'd push on to Hamilton, where the opportunities for lodging
appear to be greater).
I'm also looking for tips on:
o Travel while on the island (mopeds? bicycles? taxis-only?)
o Where best to reprovision -- i.e. food, fuel, water
o Where to pump out
o Where to repair (in case something breaks along the way)
o Great SCUBA companies -- we would like to do some snorkeling/scuba
while there
o Things to do, places to see
o Anything else a cruiser would need to know.
Has anyone on this group done something similar relatively recently,
who would share this type of information?
Note 1: I have already received and read Bermuda Dept. of Tourism's
"Bermuda" guide, which describes entry procedures, general anchorage,
VHF stations, and so forth. It's an excellent publication, with tons
of information concisely formatted. So, that's not the sort of stuff
I'm looking for.
Thanks in advance!
Adrian in NC
s/v "Canto"