American crew retakes ship
"Pittman Pirate" wrote in message
"HK" wrote
The ship, its contents, and ransom money are just property, a commodity
much less valuable than the lives of the ship crews.
True. And to continue to send unarmed men into these situations in these
areas is plain stupidity. We have US naval vessels all over the globe
doing such things as jellyfish research, listening, and retesting
something they tested 2,000 times before. It would be nothing to station
vessels on patrol in that area of the world, and to handle these
situations as they come up. If a SEAL can't handle a skinny terrorist with
an antiquated RPG, he should turn in his flippers.
Haven't spent that much time in the blue water, huh?
Mighty small ships in gigantic oceans. We have ships patrolling
the normal shipping lanes, but this event happened about 300 miles
from the nearest Naval vessel according to the reports.
Furthermore, there were apparently about 150 cargo ships transiting
the general area at the time. Which do you protect?