Obama hostage crisis, day 2
On Apr 11, 9:35*am, HK wrote:
Tim wrote:
On Apr 11, 6:31 am, Jim22208 wrote:
On Apr 10, 11:13 pm, Frogwatch wrote:
For GOD's sake, send reinforcements quick. *A billion dollar destroyer
that could single handedly defeat Japan in WW2 is stymied by three
thugs in a lifeboat and Obama panics and sends reinforcements when he
hears they may be joined by another unarmed merchant vessel with a
dozen or so pirates.
Obama sends a stern warning, "I'm not kidding, unless they reduce
their demands to $1 million, this time I'll not only bow, I'll pucker
up too" sure put the fear of something into those pirates.
Meanwhile, those awful brits at the UK Telegraph are calling Obama a
"Pantywaist surrender monkey". *When a euro type calls you that, its
gotta hurt.
Why dont they just install midi-Guns on them...unlimited ammo. End of
For the crisis at hand, we don't need more firepower. We need the
captain to escape again so that we can have a proper Viking funeral for
the Somalians and their rescuers.
Let's keep in mind the fact that the pirates are holding a very valuable
hostage who has proved how worthy he is. So long as he is alive and
unharmed, it is important for cool heads to prevail. Also keep in mind
other pirates in that area are holding other crews as hostages. What is
needed is a plan that can be implemented to sweep these waters of
pirates, and keep them them clean, far worthier tasks for a military
force than invading a country on trumped-up charges from lying
politicians that they are building weapons of mass destruction.
Palin & Bachmann in 2012 -
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Blah, blah, blah... more illiterate bull**** from our resident dropout.