American crew retakes ship
"Richard Casady" wrote in message
On Sat, 11 Apr 2009 14:43:09 -0600, "Canuck57"
I like the old way, slit their wrists and walk the plank. You slit the
wrists so the sharks find them fast. Dead pirates never pirate again.
There is no positive evidence anyone ever walked the plank. Why
bother? Why rig out the plank, when all that is needed is a quick
slash to the throat, or if you hate the guy, a stab in the guts? I
think the gut stab, less messy, and he won't resist much when a couple
of guys shove him over the rail.
I was reading about the Barbary Pirates and Jefferson. According to the
historical accounts, the US Navy sailors went out of their way to make
examples of captured pirates. They were mutilated, decapitated, heads were
put on pikes and displayed to remaining pirates to see and get impressions
Nice guys, those early sailors.