Ic-m710 Program
It's a moot point as nobody enforces the rules anymore, especially
for voluntary vessels (in the U.S. anyway). And some of the wording of
this rule is mis-leading. Such as "Voluntary vessels equipped with VHF-
DSC equipment must maintain a watch on 2182 kHz..." How does one
maintain a watch on 2182 with just a VHF? Voluntary vessels are not
required to have any radio, yet they are saying if I have a VHF with
DSC, I must maintain a watch on 2182??? But what if I have an older
VHF without DSC. Now I don't have to listen on 2182 unless I also have
an HF? Typical gov't gobbledy-gook.
On Apr 15, 10:31*pm, Larry wrote:
When was the last time you guys left your unused SSB radios tuned to
2182Khz and RUNNING with all that damned 2Mhz static when you were not
using it? *According to the rules, the HF radio must NEVER be turned off
while underway, but must be left on 2182Khz or a DSC-Distress channel.