In article ,
Wayne.B wrote:
On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 16:33:24 GMT, Bruce in alaska
Ok, well it seems that the FCC has AMENDED the Towing Requirement
to vessels over 7.8 Meters (26 Feet), since I last dealt with it.
So, it wouldn't apply to Water skiers anymore, OR smaller sailing
or power vessels. Thanks for making mew go back and look it up....
47CFR80 SubPart U .......
I'm sure the original intent was for commercial tow boat operators but
that is not stated in the regs. My reading of Subpart U is that you
could be in compliance with a hand held VHF tuned to channel 13.
If, and only If, it is in addition to a fitted Vhf Radio, you leave it
on Vhf Channel 13 all the time, keep it at the Helm, AND you either,
Stop if the battery dies, or power it from an external power source.
The USCG is very particular about compliance, in this area, and should
there be a accident, or incident, while towing, they will haul you into
an Inquiry, and be asking if you were in compliance, and how, right
Bruce in alaska
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