I'm looking for feedback on rope clutches. The choices seem to be
between Lewmar, Spinlock and Antal. Lewmars have a reputation for being
kindest to the line but have very small size ranges. They can be ganged
but no side mount is available. Spinlocks have a wide (and adjustable)
size range but are supposed to be harder on the line. They can be side
mounted but the bigger sizes can't be ganged. I don't know much about
Antals other than they are a bit more pricy.
Right now I am leaning towards Spinlocks but I am open to suggestions.
Spinlock also has some substantial looking jammers but I am not sure
where you would use a jammer rather than a clutch.
Glenn Ashmore
I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or lack
there of) at:
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